Massage Therapy
Massage therapy involves working on the body with pressure using hands, fingers, elbows, knees, and forearms. It is an ancient method and generally promoted as treatment to help combat stress, enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow, alleviate muscle aches and pains, help prepare for and recover from birth, sporting events and workouts, and increase your sense of wellbeing.
At the Joint Health Clinic I offer deep tissue, sports, remedial and fully certified pregnancy massage.
What happens at a massage therapy appointment
I will always ask you a few questions first as part of a quick health screen to ensure massage therapy is appropriate and beneficial for you. Any information about you or any information you provide during your appointments is kept strictly confidential and kept on file in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
You can specify any preferences, such as the body area you would like to focus on and the level of pressure that you find most comfortable and remedially effective.
You will normally be asked to remove clothing from the areas to be treated. This may in some cases mean undressing all the way down to your underwear. You will be covered with towels or blankets to protect your modesty and privacy and only the area being treated will be exposed. If this is a problem for you then please let me know as massage therapy can also be carried out through clothing.
My massages are generally carried out with you lying on a massage table or sitting in a comfortable well supported position if you cannot lie down, in a quiet, comfortable room.